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A character with a gun and glowing cubes in a sci-fi setting

Skin Deep Game Release: Pirates on Board

Across vast starships, chaos brews. A frozen operative awakens to take on pirates, sneezes, and cats in hats. Creativity is key. After years in development, Skin Deep lands on Steam on April 30, 2025. A blend of stealth, sabotage, and humor awaits.

2 minutes
The Spirit of the Samurai key art with Tekeshi and kitten

The Spirit of the Samurai: 2D Ancient Battle Challenge

In a 2D world inspired by Japanese myths, a samurai Takeshi, kitten Chisai, and spirit Kodama confront the demon Shuten-dōji. Their journey unfolds through eerie landscapes of stop-motion adventure.

2 minutes
House with Halloween decoration

How to Illuminate Your Home with Outdoor Halloween Lights

What’s one of the main steps before getting your property ready for Halloween? That’s right—decorating! Today, we’ll start our guide with tips on Halloween outdoor lights. We’ll cover what colors to choose, what to pay attention to, and which lights are the best.

8 minutes