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House with Halloween decoration

How to Illuminate Your Home with Outdoor Halloween Lights

What’s one of the main steps before getting your property ready for Halloween? That’s right—decorating! Today, we’ll start our guide with tips on Halloween outdoor lights. We’ll cover what colors to choose, what to pay attention to, and which lights are the best.

8 minutes
Stromgate keyart

Stormgate: Much-Anticipated Real-Time Strategy Game

Stormgate is the much-anticipated RTS game from Frost Giant Studios. Launching in Early Access on Steam this summer. Explore epic battles between the celestial Armada and Hellish Horde.

3 minutes
Samsung Galaxy S24, S24 Plus, and Ultra

Samsung Galaxy S24 series: 7 Years of Updates

The latest Samsung Galaxy S24, S24+, and Ultra, will be updated for 7 years. Discover their features and find out where you can pre-order these advanced devices.

4 minutes