Credits: Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.
The most ambitious creative project for World of Warcraft in nearly 20 years is here. World of Warcraft®: The War Within™ is the upcoming tenth expansion pack for the MMORPG, following Dragonflight. It will launch the Worldsoul Saga™ trilogy, led by Chris Metzen. The release date for Windows and macOS is August 26, 2024.
The War Within Pre-Expansion Update Notes—Now Live!
Additionally brings significant updates to World of Warcraft, including a pre-expansion content update packed with new features and changes. Players can look forward to new gameplay elements like Warbands, Skyriding, and class updates, marking an exciting new chapter. The introduction of account-wide progression and shared Renown enhances the gaming experience across Battle.net accounts. The update also includes a range of updated talents for Arcane Mages, Fire Mages, Mistweavers, Elemental, Enhancement, and Restoration Shamans, Warlocks, Warriors, and Druids. New additions like the Cosmic Weapon Cache and Season of Discovery content, as well as improvements to the user interface, make for a better overall experience for World of Warcraft fans.
Pre-purchase Availability
Blizzard Entertainment has announced the pre-purchase availability of The War Within™ the first expansion in The Worldsoul Saga™ which also provides access to World of Warcraft®: Dragonflight Set to launch in 2024, The War Within promises to take players on an adventure deep beneath Azeroth's surface. This expansion will be followed by two more—World of Warcraft®: Midnight™ and World of Warcraft®: The Last Titan™—creating a three-part saga that invites players to return and save the beloved world.
The World of Warcraft team is excited about this ambitious new chapter, designed as standalone narratives that contribute to a larger overarching story. The upcoming expansions aim to enhance the gaming experience while continuing the quality-of-life feature updates introduced in Dragonflight, ensuring that both veteran and new players have plenty to explore. As Blizzard ushers in a new era, the team is eager for players to celebrate and rediscover the legendary universe of Azeroth.

World of Warcraft: The War Within Features
While players embark on the first chapter of The Worldsoul Saga and journey to a new level cap of 80, they will encounter new zones, dungeons, raids, and more:
- Explore the new continent of Khaz Algar: Off the western shores of Kalimdor lies The Isle of Dorn, a new hub for both the Horde and Alliance. Begin to explore what dwells beneath the surface in the lava-fuelled forge of The Ringing Deeps, the lush Hallowfall, and the pinnacle of Nerubian society, Azj-Kahet.
- New Playable Allied Race – the Earthen: Players will meet and unlock this Titan-forged race who have made Khaz Algar their home, with their own unique civilization and culture.
- Expand your Warcraft fantasy with Hero Talents: A new level of class specialization customization, Hero Talents are modeled after well-known archetypes from the Warcraft universe, including Dark Ranger, Farseer, and more.
- Delves: New bite-size adventures seamlessly integrated into the world, which flexibly scale to support 1-5 players, and offer meaningful progression.
- Warbands: A quality-of-life feature for players with multiple characters, Warbands allow banks, reputations, transmogs, and more to be shared across all player characters.

Pre-purchase Options
World of Warcraft: The War Within is available for digital pre-purchase now on the Battle.net shop:
The War Within: Base Edition
- Pre-purchase of World of Warcraft: The War Within
- Access to World of Warcraft: Dragonflight*
- Enhanced Level 70 character boost, allowing players to jump immediately into the upcoming content update for Dragonflight, Guardians of the Dream.
- 500 Trader’s Tender
The War Within: Heroic Edition
- All Base Edition features
- Algarian Stormrider mount and access to special dynamic-flying racecourses
- Upgradable Stormrider’s Attire transmog set
- An additional 250 Trader’s Tender, for a total of 750
The War Within: Epic Edition
- All Base and Heroic Edition features
- Beta access to World of Warcraft: The War Within**
- Early access, minimum of three days before the expansion’s launch***
- Squally the Storm Hatchling pet
- Sandbox Storm Gryphon toy
- An additional 250 Trader’s Tender, for a total of 1,000
- 30-day subscription time
World of Warcraft: The War Within will launch on or before December 31, 2024.
* Instant access to Dragonflight will only be granted to players who do not own Dragonflight
**Availability and launch date(s) of the Beta subject to change. Limited time only.
*** 3 days based on estimated access; actual play time subject to possible outages and applicable time-zone differences.

About Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.
Best known for iconic video game universes including Warcraft®, Overwatch®, Diablo®, and StarCraft®, Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. (www.blizzard.com), a division of Activision Blizzard, which was recently acquired by Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT), is a premier developer and publisher of entertainment experiences. Blizzard Entertainment has created some of the industry’s most critically acclaimed and genre-defining games over the last 30 years, with a track record that includes multiple Game of the Year awards. Blizzard Entertainment engages tens of millions of players around the world with titles available on PC via Battle.net®, Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Android.

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