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Apple Watch 10 Years Anniversary in 2024 or 2025

Can you believe that almost a decade has passed since the Apple Watch was first released? This innovative device has not only changed how we interact with our devices but also our expectations of wearables.

TheGeekyThings is excited to share that Apple is preparing for a special Apple Watch anniversary in 2024 or 2025. However, in 2023, we shouldn't expect any major changes. According to technical analyst Mark Gurman, the company typically updates its product annually, but there are talks of slowing down the pace of updates as the company adds fewer innovations to the gadget.

The Apple Watch X is expected to bring the most significant changes in the watch's history, with a possibility of a more stylish design and a new magnetic mechanism for attaching straps instead of sliding mounts. Along with the design, the Watch X may also introduce advanced features like a micro-LED-based display and blood pressure monitoring sensors.

Earlier reports suggested that the Apple Watch might experience delays in its launch due to production chain adjustments, pushing the release from 2025 to 2026. However, the new report contradicts previous information. By the way, do you have an idea for a 10-year anniversary gift for your friends next year’s fall? See our posts.