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Apple is reportedly stepping up its incursion into the wearables market with the development of a smart ring designed to monitor users' health. In the wake of news that Samsung is set to unveil its Galaxy Ring, Apple's latest venture aims to offer a less obtrusive, yet effective alternative to smartwatches for health metrics tracking - according to MacRumors.

The tech giant's decision to develop a smart ring is backed by a surge in patent applications for NFC-enabled wearable devices. According to industry insiders, the commercialization of the product is likely imminent. Besides, the existing players in the smart ring market, such as Finnish company Oura, have seen substantial success, with over a million rings sold since 2015. 

Apple's smart ring is expected to compete directly with Samsung's Galaxy Ring, which boasts features like blood flow measurement, ECG monitoring, sleep tracking, and remote control of devices and wireless payments. However, Apple's leap into the smart ring market could face backlash due to additional subscription fees, similar to Oura's recent criticism.

We at TheGeekyThings already know about the rising popularity of smart rings in 2024, and recently gathered the best of smart rings on the market in one post that you can read now. 

Top Smart Rings 2024